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Skriv dit speciale i skatte- og samfundsøkonomi

I Skatteministeriet har du mulighed for at skrive speciale i skatte- og samfundsøkonomi inden for rammerne af SkatteØkonomiskNetværk.

Dygtige og engagerede kandidatstuderende har mulighed for at skrive speciale inden for skatte- og afgiftspolitik. Det sker inden for rammerne af SkatteØkonomiskNetværk, som er et samarbejde mellem forskere fra Københavns Universitet, samt medarbejdere i Skatteforvaltningen og Skatteministeriets departement.

Læs mere om SkatteØkonomiskNetværk

Vi søger kandidatstuderende, der har stor interesse for skatteøkonomi, og som gennem deres speciale gerne vil bidrage til at øge den samlede viden om skatteøkonomi og -politik.

I Skatteministeriet ønsker vi generelt at styrke vores faglige grundlag for skattepolitisk rådgivning og arbejde med samfundsøkonomi bredt. Beskatning er et af flere virkemidler i den økonomiske politik og for at forstå, hvordan man indretter reguleringen smartest, og om beskatning er den rigtige løsning, kræves detailkendskab til de områder, som vi beskæftiger os med. Det kan være personbeskatning, virksomhedsbeskatning, ejendomsmarkedet, markedet for taxier eller vindmøller, olie- og naturgasindvinding i Nordsøen og meget andet.

Vi kan give adgang til en lang række data inden for vores område, herunder skatteregistre, gæld til det offentlige, grænsehandel, bilregister mv.

Hvad tilbyder vi?

Vi tilbyder, at du kan blive tilknyttet en medarbejder i Skatteministeriet, som har stor indsigt i det fagområde, som du skriver inden for. Desuden kan vi tilbyde en kontorplads i Skatteministeriet, så du har let adgang til relevante data på vores område og vejledning om fx specifikke regler.

Projektet skal være relevant for vores arbejde, og det skal gerne have en empirisk vinkel. Desuden lægger vi vægt på, at du har et højt fagligt ambitionsniveau.

Om dig

Du studerer økonomi og skal i gang med dit speciale. Vi forventer, at du har gode kompetencer inden for økonomi og er interesseret i empirisk arbejde. Du arbejder desuden selvstændigt og målrettet.


Du skal sende et kort projektforslag, hvor du fortæller om et eller to projekter, som du overvejer at arbejde med, eller som du allerede har diskuteret med din vejleder på universitetet. Ansøgning med CV og dine overvejelser om projektet bedes sendt via nedenstående link. Projektforslag vil blive vurderet løbende.

Du kan kontakte chefrådgiver Niels Kleis Frederiksen på tlf. 7237 0226 for at høre nærmere om mulighederne.

Arbejdsstedet er som udgangspunkt Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 28, 1402 København K.

In English

Write your thesis in the economics of taxation and socio-economics

The Danish Ministry of Taxation offers the opportunity for students on a master’s programme to write their thesis in the economics of taxation and socio-economics within the framework of SkatteØkonomiskNetværk (Tax Economic Network)

Competent and committed students on a master’s programme will have the opportunity to write their thesis in the field of regulation and taxation. The opportunity is offered within the framework of SkatteØkonomiskNetværk, which is based on collaboration between researchers at University of Copenhagen, staff at the Danish Customs and Tax Administration as well as the Department of the Ministry of Taxation.

We welcome applications from students on a master’s programme who take a great interest in the economics of taxation and who through their thesis wish to contribute to increasing total knowledge about the economics of taxation and tax policy.

At the Ministry of Taxation, we wish in general to strengthen our professional basis for providing tax-policy advice and our work on socio-economics in a broad sense. Taxation is one of several economic policy measures, and in order to understand how to organise regulation in the smartest way and whether taxation is the right solution, a detailed knowledge is required of the areas we are involved in. They include personal income taxation, company taxation, the real estate market, the market for taxis and wind turbines, oil and natural gas extraction in the North Sea, etc.

We are able to provide access to a great number of data within important areas, including tax registers, debt owed to public authorities, cross-border trade, car registers, etc.

What can we offer you?  

We invite you to become attached to a member of staff in the Ministry of Taxation who has a profound knowledge of the field you have chosen for your thesis. Furthermore, we are able to make office facilities available in the Ministry of Taxation in order to facilitate access to relevant data in our area and guidance regarding, for example, specific rules.

The project must be of relevance to our work and should, preferably, include an empirical approach. Furthermore, we find it important that your level of professional ambition is very high.

About you  

You study economics and you are going to work on your thesis. We expect that you have good competencies in economics and that you are interested in empirical work. Moreover, we expect that you work in an independent and targeted manner.


You must submit a two-page project proposal in which you present one or two projects you are considering working on, or which you have already discussed with your supervisor at university. The application together with your CV and your ideas regarding the project should be sent via the link below. Project proposals will be assessed on an ongoing basis.

For more information about this opportunity, please contact Chief Adviser Niels Kleis Frederiksen, phone: +45 72 37 02 26.

In principle, the place of work will be Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 28, 1402 Copenhagen K.